Dreaming x Iris van Herpen and Nick Knight.

Continuing van Herpen’s vigor of fusing technology with handcraft, the collection features two 3D printed Magma dresses that are combining flexible TPU printing, creating a fine web together with polyamide printing. One of the dresses is stitched from 5,000 3D printed elements. There are two main design techniques presented in the collection: the lucid looks and the phantom dresses. The lucid looks come from the designer’s continuous collaboration with the artist and architect Philip Beesley. These looks are made from transparent hexagonal laser-cut elements that are connected with translucent flexible tubes, creating a glistering bubble-like exoskeleton around the wearer’s body. The phantom looks are made with a super light tulle to which iridescent stripes are fused, shimmering the silhouette illusory.

Fashion film shot by Nick Knight and stylist Amanda Harlech. The work was edited by Younji Ku and features a custom soundtrack by Salvador Breed and Stijn van Beek.